Friday, November 18, 2011

Ready to Face the Day . . .

My sewing and crocheting went well, yesterday. With a little effort on my part, God always comes through for me in one way or the other. I got half the crocheting order completely done and a third way through the second part. I also got an order to two tote bags and have four of them to give the buyer a good choice. I never mind making a little extra money at Christmas time. My husband is an excellent provider but it is nice to earn a bit of my own in order to buy him a gift that is totally from me. Now, if only I could think of something he might want!

My 'turkey day' list of things to do is written up. My busiest day will be the day before when I make the pies, gravy, and stuffing. Our refrigerator won't accomodate the defrosting turkey and the pies so my husband came up with a method of keeping them cold and fresh. He freezes a bunch of ordinary bottles of drinking water and lines the bottom of a cooler with them. He sets the pies on top of the bottles, closes the lid, and it keeps them just right. I wouldn't trust a cream pie in it but it works fine for pumpkin, pecan, and apple. It certainly takes the stress off the capacity of the refrigerator. Also, by the time the dinner starts, the water is defrosted enough to provide cold drinks for anyone who doesn't want soda, coffee, or tea.

I found a 'blast from the past' at Walmart, yesterday. I was browsing the Christmas section and came across tins that were made to look like a giant roll of Lifesaver Candy. They had Butter Rum flavor and Wild Cherry - ones that aren't easy to find at the candy counter these days. I got one for my son and younger daughter for Christmas. They were inexpensive and in flavors I know they both will like.

I have noticed, however, that if you buy the bagged candy and chocolate that is wrapped for the Christmas season, it costs more for less than if you just buy the same candy in the every day wrappers. I figure that if I put the candy out in Christmas dishes or in Christmas stockings, they won't notice it isn't as festively wrapped! Just something to watch out for in order to save a few pennies.

My older son lives overseas and we just got a Christmas box mailed out to him. I guess I'm engrained from childhood that one needs to send out overseas packages before Thanksgiving if you want them to arrive by Christmas. It sure doesn't seem to be the case these days as my son usually gets his packages within a week of mailing from the United States. I remember, when I was a child, my mother didn't get her mother's package mailed to Germany until the first week of December. The package didn't arrive until almost Easter! Times and travel sure changes - sometimes, even for the better!

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