Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday is Not For Me!

I have yet to hear of a sale on Black Friday that would have me camping outside stores, waiting for the doors to open, and then chancing being trampled as people push and shove to grab whatever sale item has brought out the greed in them. Walmart seems to get the brunt of this day but I imagine it is because there are so many stores so their chances of having an incident are higher.

I still remember the after-Christmas rush that killed an employee at Walmart. He opened the doors and the people poured in, knocked him down, and then stomped all over him as they raced to whatever product they just couldn't live without. The report said the police had a difficult time with the crime scene because people would not stop their frantic shopping. The people whose feet had made deadly contact with that young man had to know something was amiss yet they didn't care. They lowered their standards to save a few bucks and acted like animals.

I read in the news, today, that, what has been termed 'a competitive shopper', used pepper spray to get what they wanted and cause other shoppers to back off. Twenty people were hurt, some seriously, with pepper spray directly to their face. To me, that is a case of assult and I hope they catch the person and he/she has to do time and make retribution to all the injured people. I do have to wonder, however, if some of the crowd thinks, "Pepper spray! Why didn't I think of pepper spray!"

I was discussing an exorcism class I had taken at our parish. Not to do them but to understand them. The person I was talking to said that the' imagination' of possession and such disappeared with the electronic/computer age. There is no such thing as that sort of evil. Seems to me that if people die or are hurt by rampaging shoppers who care only for grabbing a bargain, something evil is still a foot!

If we venture out today, the wildest we will go would be a stop at Costco. They keep normal hours regardless of the day, they don't put up with nonsense, and they don't have elaborate Black Friday advertisement/sales. Besides, we only need fruit and cheese!

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