Friday, November 25, 2011

Advent is almost upon us . . .

It almost makes you dizzy the way time speeds up once Halloween is over. Yes, the stores are prone to stocking masks and pumpkins right next to Christmas decorations but they don't control the speed of time. Time, however, seems to speed up itself. Wednesday, we were running around getting ready for a company Thanksgiving dinner and today it is the day after Thanksgiving. Makes you almost afraid to blink in case you come upon a living room strewn with unwrapped gifts and discover Christmas has come and gone. No time to lose but we have to keep in mind the reason for the season and find time to savor it to the fullest.

At dinner, yesterday, my friend and I looked down the long table at our collective children and then remarked to each other, "Where did all those grown up children come from?" The youngest in the group is seventeen, one is a college graduate, three are going to college . . . Let's just say, we don't shop in the toy section at the store any more. And I miss it!

Our Thanksgiving, however, as great as we enjoyed and shared it with some of our best friends. Sigh . . . I was missing two or my children, who couldn't get home for the holiday. My friend was missing her oldest son who is in the seminary. Times change and all I can advise parents is to double their efforts to enjoy the 'now' as it soon turns into 'remember when'!

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