Sunday, October 16, 2011

Forgetting the point . . .

Although, to some extent, I can understand the current Wall Street protests, I think they have lost sight of their actual goal. Yes, a huge group of people with signs draws attention and people look, learn, decide. A huge group of people performation actions that lead to their arrest and damage to other people and property minimizes their agenda. When you leave your 'meeting' ground filthy and disrespect people who are just walking by, you've lost some of the point.

Several reported incidents made me very sad. In New York, a women in uniform, serving this country, was harassed and spit upon. Why? She isn't one of the corporate CEO's they are complaining about. She was merely walking from one point to another as a citizen of this country should be allowed to do. Why would the Wall Street protestors attack her that way? I can't understand mistreatment of the people in uniform who are part of what defends and protects this country.

Now that the protests have spread throughout the world, we get more information and reports of incidents that don't make sense. In Rome, there is video of a car being attacked and set on fire with the occupants barely able to escape from it. It wasn't a corporate car. It was just parked along the street belonging to someone probably dealing with the same problems the rioters are complaining about. Why would these people want to hurt people who are minding their own business?

The final blow was when a statue in St. John Lateran was destroyed. What a very sad sight to see that crushed statue of our Blessed Mother on the ground and the milling crowds walking by her. No, it is not the Blessed Mother herself but it shows how little respect the rioters have for anything. The Blessed Mother isn't a CEO or corporate employee?

When this first started, I thought well, good for these young people taking a peaceful stand. As the streets and parks all over the world start showing the ill effects and the citizens have to lock their doors and remain inside, you have to wonder how it all jumped the track like that. Perhaps, these people need a course in economics and come to realize that you can't change things overnight and destroying business property will be reflected in higher costs at the stores and services to make up for the cost of repairs. Burning random cars on the street because you can't control your anger won't lead people to your way of thinking.

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