Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chick has a plan . . .

Chick collects things. If we give her something on a paper plate, that plate is carefully put in a corner of the yard and so help you if you try and throw it away. When she isn't interested in something offered her, she politely takes it and buries it. Up until yesterday, we assumed she buried things and forgot about them. Not true!

I was working in the living room and heard Chick whining at the backdoor. Since she likes to do this for attention, I ignored her but the whining got louder and more persistent. I finally went to check on her and she was sitting at the slider door with a bag of crackers in her mouth. Over the weekend, she had discovered a snack bag of crackers in the garage and had made off with them before we could stop her. She came back minutes later with a nose full of dirt as she had promptly buried it. Well, today, she wanted the crackers but couldn't get the ziplock bag opened thus the whining.

When my son went outside to open the bag for her to indulge in the three or four crackers, she panicked and ran around in circles just knowing my son desperately wanted that dirty bag of crackers for himself. He finally convinced her that he was only going to open the bag for her and she happily threw it at his feet. he opened it and she stuffed her nose into the bag like a feeding horse and happily munched away on her forbidden treat.

At least we now know that when she buries things, she is not getting rid of them but saving them for the appropriate occasion. I guess that yesterday was eat the crackers day!
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