Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sad commentary on those who are supposed to represent us . . .

I caught the speech  delivered by Jimmy Hoffa Jr. at a union rally. In his speech, he basically declared war on the Tea Party and called them 'sons of b . . . ' fill in the blank yourself. His speech prefaced the next speech by the president of the United States. Mr. Hoffa was praised by the president with not a bit of reprimand at the use of his foul language in reference to fellow Americans. Only Democracy for the chosen few? Does this mean that anyone who has a difference of opinion than that of the president and his cohorts is fair game to slander and ridicule? The president came forth with a speech on 'civility' a year or so ago. I have to take it he meant that one faction has to be civil to the other but it doesn't have to be reciprocated. I wonder about the people who listened to this speech about civilty and the speech by Hoffa, yesterday, and still 'believed'. Something is very wrong here.

Why is the Tea Party so feared by the liberals? What have they said or done that goes against the foundation of this country? Their wants are simple and basically less big government in their lives, reasonable taxes, and freedom. Don't the liberals realize that the Tea Party evolved in opposition to the encroachment of liberal agendas into our lives? Is that the liberal fear - that their plans are so transparent?

Meanwhile, the president, who was elected to be a fair representative of this country, has not kept his promises and stands by while American values are eroded. Name calling seems to be a right of the left! We have the power of prayer but prayer only helps when it prevails throughout our lives. When you vote a liberal into office and ignore the values of life he dismisses, where do your prayers go and exactly what were you praying for in the first place?

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