Friday, September 16, 2011

More of a nightmare than a Catholic Mass . . .

I ran across this UTube video in my Internet wanderings, yesterday. What amazed me, besides the disregard for proper liturgy, was the age of the congregation and priest. I would have thought they would have retained a bit more dignity in their lives through the years. And to some of my friends who might chime in with, "But, it would be wonderful for a children's Mass!", I say that the giant puppets would more likely give them nightmares. The whole service had more of a circus quality and the various antics of the liturgical dancers (which is not allowed in the Church), made one forget what the Mass is actually about. I'm all for joy and rejoicing but this seemed contrived and in your face to me. You have to wonder if God is laughing or crying over his earth full of humans!

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