Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Enjoy the Ride!

Several of us were talking to our pastor after Mass on Sunday. We got on the subject of forgiveness and 'letting go'. He used the example of bad drivers on the road who take risks and force us to make quick decisions in order to keep body and soul together. The church is on a corner that has a major problem with people running the stop sign and showing little respect for other drivers. Father said he used to get overly irate whenever anyone would cut him off on the freeway, etc. and then decided to cope with the situation as it came up and . . . enjoy the ride, not letting some person's ineptness spoil the trip.

I thought about what he said and realized that we are always traveling throughout the day even if we don't step into a car. People we meet may try to sideswipe us with words or actions and we are constantly given a choice in how we react. I liked Father's idea of not letting anything spoil the ride. The rude people are not likely to change within the moment's contact we have with them on the highway or in the course of our day. It makes so much more sense in the Christian aspect of life to deal with the situations as needed and then get on with our lives leaving a prayer behind for the people who just tried to ruin our day. They aren't as likely to spoil our ride as much as we allow it to happen to ourselves.

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