Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where did she go?

Chick is not a happy dog, this morning. She unhappily watched suitcases being packed this week and knows that someone is leaving. Her best friend, my older daughter, spent time playing with her this morning but Chick knew it was bittersweet when she saw her walk out the door with the dreaded baggage.

Yes, the rest of us play with Chick, feed her, and give her special doggy treats but my daughter was letting her sneak into the house and sit on her lap and rubbed her ears.

Chick was whining this morning as she watched the final preparations for departure. She still remembers my son and I doing the same thing when we went on our trip. Dogs know more about goodbyes but are shakey on the concept of returns. That is probably why so go so crazy when a loved one comes back in the door because, in their doggy sense, they aren't totally expecting that.
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