Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer is winding down . . .

For me, summer is officially over when my daughters head back to college. Both of them graduate before the end of the year which is making me feel rather old. Am I really ancient enough to have college graduates in the family? They would both like to continue their education but we are not encouraging it. Yes, the government will give them all the student loans they want. The government, however, isn't providing and economic atmosphere that will guarantee them employment once they do graduate . . . and, regardless, the government is harsh about getting their loans repaid.

I now have three college or almost-college graduates in the family. My oldeest son had to go overseas in order to get adequate financial scholarships and a job while he works on his Masters. My youngest son, as I'm blogged before, couldn't even get into community college this year. Nothing more disheartening for an 18 year old than having to put his education on hold because there isn't room for him. A lot of changed over the last three years or so. When my first three started college, it was exciting and they looked forward to the possibilities. Now, they are wondering if they will get a job and if they will be able to make enough to pay off their loans. Naturally, we leave our home open to them but they are of an age where they'd like to get out on their own.

I'm not the only one with such worries. Too many other students are plowing their way through school and realize that they will be blessed to find any job and it will most likely not even be near the subject matter they studied and trained for in college.

Meanwhile, I read this morning that they want more regulations on the restaurant and food industry to cut the fat and calories from their foods otherwise there will be penalties. Just what we need, a government nanny watching every bite we put into our mouths . . . of our own free will! Well, they force restaurants and food services to close down in the face of over-the-top legislation, we won't be able to afford that much food, anyway.

There is seriously something out of balance in the priorities of the world today. As one radio talk show host said, we can't wait for the prepared and ready candidates to run for offices in our government, we need the good guys now. There isn't time for political education, we need heart, soul. and real patriotism . . . and strength of character.

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