Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where charity and love prevail . . .

Our pastor recently gave a series of talks that touched on how, we as Catholics, should behave, the rules we should follow, etc. He ended with the fact that no matter the rules, the number one rule is Christian hospitality or kindness, basically, doing onto as you would like to be treated. Guess the message didn't get across as one person stormed out of church, one morning, literally yelling about the fact that the priest that morning has some problems with his command of the English language. That seems to me to be the exact opposite of how we should treat anyone, especially an associate pastor who is just doing his best and doing as he is told.

Yes, this particular priest has a way  to go before he is fluent in English but he tries so hard and, regardless, of how well the words are pronounced, we still have the joy of daily Mass and all the graces it entails. There is a shortage of priests these days yet our parish hasn't had to cut back on daily Mass . . . yet.

What gets me is that the woman totally blames this poor priest. Uh, he was assigned here by the bishop. He didn't just decide to come here and bother this woman. When he first came, he said that he has been going to classes for his English but that at every parish he has been assigned, they give him all the Spanish Masses which doesn't give him much practice. My son serves the Mass for him and says that Father's hands are literally shaking with nerves at times as several people have been quite vocal to him about their dislike and disdain for the situation.

Every time, I see or hear these people disrespect this priest, I flash back to our Pastor's recent classes where they were also there to hear him say over and over, again, that kindness is the key. How can we spread the love of God when we can't extend it to the priests who make our religion possible.

Perhaps, it was a way to remind even me that withholding a sharp word has more merit than an hour on my knees!

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