Monday, August 22, 2011

Two Days of Company . . .

Okay, it isn't exactly company so much as two days of repairmen running through the house. After 30 years, this tired old house is getting the air conditioning/heating unit replaced. We have thought about this for a long time but either the time or money wasn't available. The time has arrived and we figured out a way to eventually get the money part paid off, too. Besides the deal on the unit and installation, the electric company and the warehouse store are giving us over $3,000 in rebates which we will, of course, plow right back into the balance owing. We knew for sure it was time to update when every salesman who looked at our current unit started laughing . . . a lot!

Yes, we have a lot of hot weather in our neck of the woods. No, we haven't used our present air conditioning at all. Because of it's advanced age, it didn't cool down the house but it sent our electric bill sky rocketing. The reason we made the decision now is that we will eventually want to scale down and move and no one will look at a house without adequate cooling.

Anyway, today, the dog will be in further misery having to stay in the garage so as not to bite the workmen during the first part of the installation. Today, it is yank out the old units and duct work. Tomorrow, they will be back to put in the new ones. According to all that is right in the world, the new air conditioning unit will run more efficiently with less pull on the electric power which means, hopefully, we can have temperatures lower than 90 degrees in the house in the summer.

I don't know how much mess this is going to incur but I decided against dusting the house until they are done! Sigh . . . Since I don't have run of the house today, I suppose I will just have to sit in my sewing corner and keep busy. Good thing I'm of a sacrificial frame of mind, huh?

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