Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer days and warm tomatoes . . .

As you can see, my husband's tomatoes are still producing. My favorite summer time lunch is a bowl of tomatoes, warm from the sunshine, dressed with a tangy dressing, and topped with Feta cheese and lots of ground, black pepper. The contrast between the cold dressing and the literally hot tomatoes fresh off the vine is one of my favorite treats.

The trick to getting a good crop of tomatoes every year is not planting them in the same patch of ground. The plant-eating critters usually don't find the tomatoes the first year in a garden space but always show up if you try growing your salad works in the same place the next time around. Next year, the tomatoes will grace our now filled in pool. It won't be quite the same as cooling off in the pool but tomatoes are tomatoes and almost a good exchange.

I got three bags of tomatoes sliced and bagged for later in the season. We usually get one, huge harvest just before the plants all give up so will probably add a few more bags to my freezer stash. Next year, my husband vows to raise tomatoes, cucumbers, and Basil . . . until he comes across some other plant that interests him.
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