Saturday, August 27, 2011

Clouds on a very warm and sunny day . . .

Views of the pretty clouds from our backyard. The temperature is climbing and already at 108 degrees. The air conditioning is set for 82 degrees which is more comfortable in regards to power usage costs that actual temperature. We were supposed to have thunder storms this morning but our weatherman usually seems to be 12 hours behind God's schedule so we may still add muggy, warm rain to the schedule today.

I made the mistake of climbing up to get something off a high shelf and then spent the morning cleaning said shelf. It stores my daughter's pottery. She is very productive in that department so we have quite a lot of it. My husband is a bit worried because both she and my younger daughter are taking ceramics this semester . . . and we are running out of shelves! His major thanksgiving in life, right now, is that my son couldn't get into a ceramics class at his college.

The dog is very unhappy about the heat. She sheds so is allowed 30 minutes here and there throughout the day to come inside the backdoor and cool down a bit. We need to set up her wading pool as she likes to walk through it and get her feet wet. She also drinks from the same water she puts her dirty paws but who am I, a mere human, to judge?
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