Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So, how does your garden grow . . .


The peace after the storm . . .

No sign of economic distress around this neighborhood, last night, as they literally burned their money away in over four hours of fireworks. Judging from some of the more elaborate ones, I'm willing to be a lot of illegal ones were set off. Since we were lulled off to sleep around ten to the continuous blasting of noisemakers and the scent of gunpowder in the air, it was nice to get up early and see how the garden was growing with only the distraction of birds chirping and the dog snuffling around in the bushes.

So far, my husband's garden seems to be flourishing. We actually got our first, four cherry tomatoes 'harvested' for dinner last night. His peppers are growing both in pots and in the garden. Our peach tree isn't as heavy with fruit but there are some nice peaches we hope to get before the birds discover them. Both the orange and lemon tree have large, still-green fruit hanging from the branches. Sigh . . . My pomegranite tree is without fruit but as it is only a year old, I suppose I'm being a bit over anxious.

After 105 degrees during the weekend, we are promised 'lows' in the 95's today. Hey, I'm beginning to feel the difference . . . but hot is hot but the garden likes it and I'll be thankful in the winter when I have a freezer full of tomatoes and such.
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