Saturday, July 23, 2011

Eternal Rest Grant onto Them, Oh Lord . . .

The news out of Norway since yesterday has been horrendous. I can't even begin to imagine the sorrow of the many families who lost a child yesterday or are still waiting to find out if their child is still alive. It graphically demonstrates how just one person can make a difference in so many lives in the space of a short time. This time, the difference was devastating.

It really makes me think about this aspect of how an individual can literally change a city, country, the world. We always think that we do not have the power or the vote to make any kind of difference. Imagine how much good this killer from Norway could have made if he had been a righteous man instead of one bent on destruction to prove his point. God gave him intelligence and he used his free will for evil instead of good.

My heart just aches for the mothers of those murdered teens. I imagine they sent them off to a weekend of camp thinking they would be safe on the island to enjoy their conference and friends.

One man made an  awful change in the world, yesterday. It should make us rethink how we live each day and what we can do to instill some good into it and start making changes in our own way for the betterment of everyone. A kind word instead of gossip . . . An extra prayer for someone who is annoying . . .  We have more power in our bare hands and full hearts than a mean-spirited, self-centered gunman who hides behind a gun and kills, hurts, and maims innocent people.

It really, really makes you think . . .

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