Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back to class . . .

I love being a grown up although the jury might still be out on that at times! Our pastor has been conducting weekly religion classes for the last two Wednesdays and . . . today is Wednesday, again. I remember dreading anything that took away from my perceived schedule but have found the classes to be informative and a real blessing. The last class is next week and I will actually miss this midweek interlude.

Amazing, too, that even though the class is during the early morning of a work week, there have been around 60 people showing up so far. A real liberal infiltrated the group, last week, but Father was very good at kindly directing her attention towards the 'light' not what she thought was 'right'. Someone has taped the talks and is busying typing them up to share. I'm hoping I can also share some bits and pieces here at at later date.

Bills and religion class are the schedule of the day so whether I do any sewing or not depends on how the first two Wednesday requirements go. I do have some tote bag orders and that will go before more quilting.

Although the news says heat and humidity is the call of the day back East, we haven't fared too badly with the weather. Can't entirely bann the heat or our tomatoes won't ripen! It's a give and take world and nothing will every be perfect for everyone at the same time.

Blessings on everyone's day!

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