Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quilting Link to Check Out . . .

Here is a link to a quilting site I have found helpful over the years. It is free which is always a plus with my budget . . . leaves more money for fabric! I have found that even if I don't use the suggested block patterns, I always come away with some ideas of my own. http://quilting.about.com/od/quiltpatternsprojects/ig/Free-Quilt-Patterns/

Also, if you live in Southern California or are willing to travel far and wide for fabric bargains, my favorite place is M&L Fabrics on Ball Road in Orange County area. They offer designer quilting fabric at less than the usual 'store' prices. They have a flat fold section where you can always come across a treasure for $2.49 a yard. There are rows and rows of fabric on the bolt going for anywhere from $2.99 a yard up to $9.99 a yard with lots of prices in between. The place is very basic but the cutting line goes quickly and the staff is nice. Go prepared to do some serious buying or you will regret what you leave behind. If you see something you like tremendously, buy it because the turnover is constant. These are not seconds but past season designs. If you know your quilt cotton designer names, you will be happy to find Kaufmann, Moda, Hoffman and most any other you can think of plus some 'regular' stuff you would see at Walmart and such.

If you have to or like to purchase on-line, Marshall's Dry Goods offers a lot of good, quality fabrics. I have always been happy with what I've ordered from them.

Well, my kitchen floor has been waxed and is dry so my excuses for sitting at the computer are gone and I have to really, really get yesterday's fabric purchases in the cupboards before my husband gets home form work! :-)

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