Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Definitely Gives One Pause for Consideration . . .

The English author, C. S. Lewis, in one of his books, points out that when people become Christians, if they are not careful, their sinning often shifts from the overt, outward, visible sins of lying, cheating, stealing, cursing and swearing, to the more inward, hidden, non-apparent invisible ones ... and among them he lists "a critical spirit" ... a spirit of judgmentalism, a censorious attitude. In fact, he points out that this sin is one of transgression which is more commonly committed by church people than by those
who are not. So prevalent is it in churchly circles, that it is sometimes labeled "Christian cruelty."

This really struck home as a friend was just telling me that her daughter was being snubbed by other girls at a prolife group she belonged to at church. I had to wonder where the 'superior' young ladies were coming from in being part of a church organization that defends the life of the unborn yet disrespects the life of the living.

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