Monday, June 20, 2011

Das Kehlsteinhaus or Eagle's Nest


Hitler's Eagle's Nest is on the top of a very high, rocky mountain. The bus ride just to the area where we catch the special bus to actually get to the Eagle's Nest is not for the weak of heart of those who don't care for heights. Although the Eagle's Nest was built as a quiet retreat for Hitler, he only visited there a few times due to his fear of heights and the very high altitude. Not much to do after you've eated at the excellent restaurant and been in the famous elevator but look around. The views are amazing and pictures hardly capture them. We were there on an overcast day but before we left, the clouds and mist lifted and we were treated to views that covered wide distances around the Eagle's Nest. This was my second visit there and both times, the clouds made their presence known. At least there wasn't any rain this time!
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