Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why do they do that?

Once again, I had the fun of driving to the airport and, once again, I got turned around and spent 15 minutes trying to find the correct parking lot for the flight I was meeting! Even when I think ahead and do my best to get it right the first time, I always seem to fall short.

And, WHY do airports make it all so convoluted in getting in and out of the area? You turn off to the airport and are presented with six lanes to chose from with hundreds of cars anxiously waiting behind you for that decision to be made as THEY know where they are going and YOU are slowing them down!

This time, I thought I had it all scoped out. I knew it was the second building I needed to avoid the quarter of a mile walk by parking near the first building. Uh, I came in from another direction thus turning the second building into the first one. I caught the error but was already in the paid parking area so I bit the bullet and exited. The clerk at the exit looked at my parking voucher, tried to hide a grin, and waved me through without a charge.

My daughter has been through the long walk to the car twice before with my error in parking choices. After two more drives around the airport, we not only found the right parking lot but a parking space close to where we cross the street into the terminal. Success!

My son, however, suggested we actually walk to the other parking lot, as usual, and then tell my daughter we were really in the correct one and we could all laugh. I considered the fact that my daughter has been on a plane all day after a morning of cleaning out her dorm and mailing off household goods and decided against it! Hey, and how much better can it get? A reasonable parking place, the plane arrived early, and I have one of my daughters home for the summer. Okay, my son and I leave on our trip in two days but we, at least, waited until she got home to abandon her! I think the two pumpkin pies in the refrigerator are helping her get over our leaving her for two weeks! She can help my husband paint the kitchen while we are gone! She's an art major, after all. It's right up her alley!

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