Monday, May 2, 2011

End of a decade?

The news reporting was interesting last night. First, I got news alerts on my e-mail saying the president was going to make an important announcement. I guess his news leaked before I then got dozens of reports that Osama Bin Laden was dead. Naturally, I turned on the news and it was on practically every channel. They reporters basically had nothing to add to the fact that he was dead so they jabbered on and on about old news to fill in the time until the president came on. And guess what the president told the country? Osama Bin Laden was dead.

There was so much rejoicing over this fact and I found that difficult to comprehend. Yes, he caused the death of many, many people and, most likely rejoiced over such accomplishments. It seemed we were acting much like him in this respect. Yes, he needed to be taken, dead or alive, but high fives and grins didn't seem respectful of his human factor. I'm not saying this act of war was wrong. I'm just thinking that we should be more grown up in our actions after the fact.

I'm sure there is a sense of relief but death doesn't always bring the closure we are seeking. We certainly need to keep focused on our prayers in the face of what the world keeps bringing to our door.

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