Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sugar flowers and leaves . . .

I forgot how much fun AND work it is to make flowers and leaves out of modeling chocolate. After the fact, I also recalled that one HAS to wait an hour or so before trying to roll it out, too. I now have two trays of sugar leaves and pink and purple flowers to put on some of my cupcakes tomorrow. Years ago, I used to decorate cakes quite a bit but you lose the touch over the years so it was delving into my memory and quick Google searches to figure out things. Baking and putting the cupcakes together tomorrow shouldn't be a problem . . . but I know that can be 'famous, last words'!

Just cut my teen's hair. His major talent in life is growing hair. I shear him as close to the scalp as I dare and he comes out of the shower looking like he still needs a haircut. He tell his balding father that he feels obliged to grow hair for the both of them!

Leftover beef is being created into beef/vegetable soup with rice for dinner. I'm also putting some bread to rise. Still cool weather but no rain today. It's just plain pleasant and I will keep the memory for the days when the sun beats down on us without mercy! Count your blessings while you have them and pray for some when you find a need.

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