Friday, April 15, 2011

Crossed another culinary border for dinner . . .

If anyone else has ever peeked into a Food Network Magazine, you will understand why I like the day it arrives in the mail each issue. I count it a very successful issue if I find recipes I want to try and extremely successful if I actually make more than one of them within a week of receiving the latest issue.

Yesterday, as I blogged, I cooked the Asian Pork soup which brought my teenage son to the kitchen twice for refills plus four random compliments over the course of the evening. Hoping to repeat a favored dinner this evening, I'm in the process of making the cheese-stuffed chiles for dinner this evening with my own rendition of refried beans and Mexican rice. My only departure from the recipe was to use Anaheim chiles instead of the Poblano chiles. My husband begged for no more pasta dishes (it's been one of those before-payday weeks!) so this is as far from pasta as I could get and still keep within the budget. Chiles are pretty inexpensive and I had the cheese on hand.

Tomorrow, in honor of another hard-earned paycheck, my husband is getting beef for dinner . . . with mashed potatoes and NO pasta!

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