Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cleaning Day!

Cleaning day was always a challenge when the children were little. I remember sitting on the sofa and recovering from delivering our second baby a few days earlier and watching my husband vacuum the carpet. Well, unknown to him, our toddler was following close behind eating a cracker. My husband didn't see the little one and every time he turned to reach a different section of the carpet, the toddler would scurry behind him BUT always leaving a trail of cracker crumbs. It was funny seeing the expression on my husband's face each time he discovered new crumbs in an area he KNEW he had just cleaned. Now that my brood is teen and over, there are whole new cleaning aspects to deal with as their hearing, despite assurances by the doctor to the contrary, has gotten very bad. : - )

Remember the younger years, here are a few things you do NOT want to hear on cleaning day:

1. I moved the sofa. Did we find all the eggs last Easter?

2. Why are there 25 children’s vitamins under the refrigerator?

3. Do we have any really big ant traps?

4. How can you tell how long a mouse has been dead?

5. There is green stuff oozing out of the refrigerator door.

6. The local museum wants to do an archeological report on the dust
findings under our bed.

7. Do we have a cat?

8. Is he supposed to be spray painting the dead grass out front green?

9. I cleaned out the fish tank. Have you seen the fish?

10. Will blue food coloring come off dog fur? Did you see the dog go by?

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