Monday, March 14, 2011

Where's the Catholic help for Japan?

I was kind of shocked at church, yesterday. There was no mention of the disaster in Japan nor a second collection for sending some help to them. It didn't happen with the Christchurch quakes, either. Sure, the United States, as a whole, sent help but I had to wonder why our bishops weren't right on it. In view of the magnitude of the quakes and tsunami, we felt sure our parish would do something and came prepared with an extra check for the collection. Nothing. The last time we had any extra collection was for Chile. Sure, Christchurch and Japan are not considered third world countries but they need help. It doesn't matter that they are an modern, up-to-date country. A great deal of their country is in ruins. They need all the help they can get right now. I'm hoping that there will be some mention next Sunday but, just in case, I'm dropping a note to the diocese. It was a real let down that we were so busy with the bishop's latest agenda that people in real need were neglected. I don't like pick and choose Catholicism.

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