Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fashionably late . . .

I never could understand the concept of being fashionably late. It always seemed rude to me. I suppose those who come in late either want to make an entrance or they are just inconsiderate towards their invitation.

Being late for Sunday Mass, however, floors me! As a Catholic, I would think that Sunday Mass being the focus of the day, there would not be any doubt or problem about arriving in time. Every Sunday, however, I witness the same scenario with little variation.

There is a darling couple who always arrive early and sit on the left-hand side of the very front pew. They kneel in prayer until Mass begins. About five minutes after Mass starts, a very hefty woman shows up, passes by several 'open' pews and insists on getting past this little couple in order to sit front and center. The gentleman kindly stands up while the woman and her bulk pushes through to her chosen seat. Things settle down and a prayerful stance returns. Halfway through the sermon, another regular shows up and she also HAS to sit in that front pew. The couple accomodate her as she wants to sit on the inside not the end of the pew. She crowds past, the bulky lady moves down just a bit and they are oblivious to their distraction.

If we had a crowded Mass, I could understand but there is always plenty of room to discreetly move into a pew. Arriving late constantly is inconsiderate to the other parishioners and doesn't show much of an awareness of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Fashionably late is still late. Arriving after the Readings at Mass means you really haven't attended Mass.

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