Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Am I missing something . . .?

I've been a stay-at-home mother since I brought my first baby home. I have also homeschooled my children. Besides caring for the children, part of my job that I take seriously is cooking for my family. I get confused when other like-minded mothers tell me they don't have time to cook. I have to wonder why. Yes, we have a lot of work with school and children but cooking isn't a grand mystery. Even if you aren't a gourmet-minded person, a good, basic dinner can be on the table within 30 minutes if you take the time to think about it.

With only one income, my greatest gift to my family is a hot meal that is good for them but tastes good, too. I used to know a person who would practically kill herself fixing and freezing meals for a month all on one day. We have been known to put away leftovers for another day but frozen/defrosted food is never the same as smelling the bubbling pots on the stove or coming home and the crock pot has once again done it magic.

One person snottily told me that 'you just LIKE to cook'. Hey, there are days when it can be a struggle but that's my job! As long as my husband works hard to support us, the least I can do is see that he gets a healthy meal. I didn't start out exactly liking to cook. I starting out hungry and wanted to eat something good. The liking to cook grew on me when I discovered how basic, simple ingredients can turn into a crowd pleaser at the dinner table.

A bonus of cooking at home is that my husband can take leftover for his lunch at work. This saves a LOT of money and he is happier eating good food than fast food. It keeps him out of the bad cholesterol/high blood pressure link, too.

I'm wondering if it is really worth it to spend one day cooking a massive amount of food and freezing it than to just plan your day around cooking an evening meal fresh. I remember having a friend over for sewing, one day, and she left at four with her husband coming home hungry at six. I gave her a pound of pasta, a jar of sauce, and she purchased some ground beef and greens on the way home. Her husband thought he'd hit heaven to come home to a plate of hot and meaty spaghetti.

Sorry, but cooking is easy if you think about it. My husband said that he could never do my job, however, as it takes too much thinking. Job is the operative word and if you like your job, you learn to like all of her job.

Just my rant for the day as I plan the evening meal!

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