Friday, July 30, 2010

Interesting . . .

The world is a weird and interesting place but sometimes, you just have to stand back and wonder about it all. Because they banned some aspects of the new Arizona Law this week, some factions were happy, some were angry, and some probably haven't even kept track of it all. In the wonderful, liberal City of Los Angeles, protestors chained themselves together to protest the fact that the law wasn't taken down entirely. They cause traffic congestion for five hours, disrupted business, and put a lot of police on overtime in a city with grave financial distress. According to a radio news show, about ten of the enchained protestors caused the problems yet the police had to treat them with kid gloves lest they get sued for actually doing their duty. I mean, if you break the law, shouldn't you take your chances on the treatment you get?

You have to wonder about protestors in California who are standing up against the Arizona Law when California has the same, basic law on the books. They might research a bit to discover the federal law is much the same as the state laws. Perhaps a few college courses in state and federal law should be required before you are allowed to look stupid.

Speaking of stupid, why on earth is the federal government suing Arizona who's law supports the federal one? Does the attorney general have a law degree? I always thought city, state, and federal officials were supposed to support and represent the citizens. It seems that they defend only a small part of the people in the United States and they aren't necessarily citizens.

Lots of tea parties going on yet I haven't heard of any of these groups disrupting the lives of any cities.

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