Sunday, January 17, 2010

When it rains . . .

According to the weather reports, California is supposed to get more than a week of rain up to 16 inches! I have found that when the news gets ahold of the weather, it doesn't happen. We do need rain in order to cope with the dry, summer months so I'm hoping God provides us with rain in 'due abundance' meaning, we don't want to build another ark just dampen down the earth and replenish our water supplies.

Although we can't vote in the senate election happening on Tuesday in Massachusetts, we should keep the end result in our sincerest prayers. The election of the Republican candidate could be the turning vote on obamacare IF they can do it in spite of the dirty politics of the Democrats. No, the Republican candidate isn't perfect but it would be historic to break the Democratic hold on that state and open it up to real change.

Don't forget Haiti! Besides our parishes, there are many good charities out there collecting for Haiti. Food for the Poor said that a mere donation of $12 could feed a family of four for a month. I know that this would be difficult for us to do it here which shows how much we have and how little the people of Haiti NEED to survive.

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