Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tricked into creativity . . .

Although I possess a copy of Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking", I have never really read it other than to get cooking hints or ideas. I watched Julie and Julia last night and have now been browsing seriously through this book. In fact, there is one of her beef recipes simmering in the oven right now!

I selected this recipe to try because it was featured in the movie and was made to look relatively easy. The movie didn't depict the part that said it was really three recipes in one with a lot of prep work. The smell wafting from the oven are proving to be worth the time, however. It also taught me to read through the entire recipe TWICE to insure I have all the steps and sub-recipes in order.

Actually, is spite of the busy work with the two, extra steps, the recipe was pretty straight forward and easy to follow. It is amazing how Julia Child has taken the heights of French cooking and put them into an obtainable format.

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