Saturday, February 1, 2014

Putting their Catholic Faith to the test . . .

In spite of her words and actions, Nancy Pelosi seems to have gotten a free reign from the Catholic Church. From what I've read, she attends Mass and receives Communion on Sundays while speaking and acting in direct opposition to Church teachings the rest of the week. When you talk to various clergy about this, they say one can't judge a person's heart and excommunicate them based on that. Well, I'm in line with that but Miz Pelosi isn't keeping her personal feeling in her heart. When I saw this announcement, I had to wonder if now would be the moment when the Catholic Church made their Commandments and Laws of the Church known to Miz Peolsi and threaten excommunication if she doesn't mend her ways. Actually, I understand that a person who deliberately goes against the precepts of the Church, does personally excommunicate themselves based on their straying from the Faith. The time has come, however, when the Church should make public their disagreement with this woman claiming to be a Catholic but supporting something that is definitely against the Church.

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