Sunday, March 30, 2014

Check out the latest on the Student Protests in Taiwan . . .

Many might not realize that the students in Taiwan have been protesting possible government corruption going on the second week. I've been getting updates directly from someone 'on the ground' in Taipei along with pictures and news reports. Unfortunately for anyone reading here, these reports and a lot of other interesting topics (if I do say so myself!), can now be found on Come join me over there.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just checking in . . .

Haven't visited here in awhile! Same old problems with transferring pictures and the blog crashing so I'm settling in at WordPress with a blog under the same name as this one. The format is  colorful and it lends itself to more creativity. is the new address and no formal 'permission' to join the team, just post your e-mail on the new blog on 'follow' and that's it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Change of Address Seems Permanent!

Still no real resolution to the 'bugs' with this blog so I'm settling in over at my new address and enjoying the ease of posting at WordPress. Want to join me? The address is If it is easier for you, provide your e-mail and I will send you an invite. Almost every post sports a colorful picture! I do check here every week if you want to leave a message.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Still Posting . . . but not on THIS Blog!

The problems with this blog site haven't been resolved so I'm continuing to do my daily posting on It's a new format but the same, old me! Hope you sign up and join in the possible conversations. If it is easier for you, provide your e-mail and I will send you an invite. And, be assured, you e-mails will never be shares.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Change of address . . .

Although I will be checking in here, from time to time, I have set up another blog along these lines over at WordPress. Right now, this Blog has had some issues with posting pictures and working through my e-mail accounts. If you want to continue and keep up to date, my new address is If it is easier for you, provide your e-mail and I will send you an invite.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Our Stray Kittens Have Found Help . . .

Our stray kittens have been with us longer than any other litter that was left on our doorstep and, frankly, we were worried about what would happen to the babies. We posted on pro-animal sites but I guess we were desperate or interesting enough for a reply or help. We had gotten down the the bottom of the barrel but knew that we couldn't possible cope with a total of four cats. We already had taken in two strays which kept us busy enough.

As luck would have it, we had a male kitten and a female one and knew would could end up doubling that population so had them fixed to avoid increasing the feline population. While the kittens were at the vet, the vet informed us that she takes in kittens and finds homes for them . . . except that at five months old, ours were too old. BUT, she said there was a no-ill shelter in the next city that will accept strays . . . if they meet their criteria.

My husband said he answered more questions about the cats than he ever did at a doctor's appointment for our children! After the medical aspects were done, the staff wanted to know what kind of toys our cats liked, did they like to be cuddled, petted, what they liked to eat, did they like other cats, dogs . . . Then they took the cats back to repeat a test, contacted our vet for their spaying/neutering certificates, and, finally, came out with the kittens and asked if my husband and daughter wanted to say goodbye! They passed muster and had a home! Whew!

The facility is very, very clean. All the dogs and cats have their own beds, blankets, toys, etc. They are available for adoption but the people wanting one of the animals has an even harder time getting one out of the place than we did getting them into the shelter! It was nice to see, however, a big bulletin board with a posting of how many cats and dogs had been adopted out the previous week - seven dogs and fifteen cats! Knowing how careful these people were, we are confident that any home our kittens might go to, will be a very good and loving one. Any animals that never get adopted, have a home there for the rest of their lives.

My husband did get a start when he left and they called out to him, "See you next kitten season!" Let's just say that we have put away the kitten kennel but keep it available because what are the chances?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Shared by a friend . . .

"If it wasnt for people,we could all be holy" ~Mother Angelica~  Ha!So true!!

Putting their Catholic Faith to the test . . .

In spite of her words and actions, Nancy Pelosi seems to have gotten a free reign from the Catholic Church. From what I've read, she attends Mass and receives Communion on Sundays while speaking and acting in direct opposition to Church teachings the rest of the week. When you talk to various clergy about this, they say one can't judge a person's heart and excommunicate them based on that. Well, I'm in line with that but Miz Pelosi isn't keeping her personal feeling in her heart. When I saw this announcement, I had to wonder if now would be the moment when the Catholic Church made their Commandments and Laws of the Church known to Miz Peolsi and threaten excommunication if she doesn't mend her ways. Actually, I understand that a person who deliberately goes against the precepts of the Church, does personally excommunicate themselves based on their straying from the Faith. The time has come, however, when the Church should make public their disagreement with this woman claiming to be a Catholic but supporting something that is definitely against the Church.

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Liberal Paradise . . .

"...A "Liberal Paradise" would be a place where everybody
has guaranteed employment,
free comprehensive healthcare,
free education,
free food,
free housing,
free clothing,
free utilities,
and only Law Enforcement has guns.

And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist ...

It's called prison."
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Phoenix, Arizona

Monday, January 20, 2014

Now Famous Presidential Quotes . . .

President Roosevelt:
"A day that will live in infamy."

President Eisenhower:

"A people that values its privileges above it principles soon loses both."

President Lincoln:

"American will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

President Truman:

"The buck stops here."

President Kennedy:

"Ask not what your country can do for you: ask what you can do for your country."

President Obama:

"I have a pen and a phone."

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Wanted - A Home for Kittens!

 Yes, our little stray kittens are still with us and growing way to fast. They are more teenage 'kittens' these days. They seem to have some Siamese in their background as they are long and lean with the triangular face and the meow.

They have the run of our garage during the day and sleep in their kennel at night. Cats do tend to be nocturnal but the crashing and banging of things falling down during their 'games' isn't a little off putting in the dark of the night so they are confined to quarters.

If we didn't already have two cats, I'd love to keep them but . . . I also have a slight allergy to cat fur so have enough to deal with already with the house cats.

Besides racing along the beams in the garage, their other talent is heartfelt purring whenever they get a good ear scratch or petting. They are very curious so we always have to take a head count after getting someone out of the freezer or putting laundry in the washer or dryer!

We are hoping and praying someone who adores cats turns up and wants to give these babies a home together. The gray one is protective of the black one for some reason and the black one cries when the gray one isn't withing sight.
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Friday, January 3, 2014

Rich Jam Squares

This is an easy recipe and it turns out any way you want it depending on your choice of jam and nuts!

Rich Jam Squares
1/2 cup butter
1 cup granulated sugar
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups your favorite, thick jam
1 cup chopped nuts, your choice.

Crumb Topping
1/4th cup butter
1/4th cup brown sugar
1/4th cup all-purpose flour

Blend together into a crumbly mixture.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking pan with parchment paper or use vegetable oil spray.

Cream together the butter and sugar. Add in the egg yolks and vanilla. With a spoon, mix in the flour - the mixture will be crumbly but will cling together. Spread the dough in a 9x9-inch pan or whatever you have that will work for the amount of dough. Press the dough down firmly to cover the bottom of the pan. Spread your jam over the top. You want it to cover the dough but not be overly thick. Sprinkle with the chopped nuts. Evenly top the whole thing with the crumb topping.

Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes our until lightly browned. Cool in the pan and then cut into squares.

You can also scatter chocolate chips over the top before baking. When it comes from the oven, you can spread them a bit.