Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Memory Bowl . . .

 My favorite mixing bowl is an old, battered stainless steel one. It is my go-to bowl for whipping egg whites, chilling salads, and holding lots of popcorn on a cold evening with a good video at hand. It belonged to my mother and when her household was distributed at her passing, this was the one item I truly wanted in my own home. It's memories started at my mother's home and it had a 'liturgical' beginning and came into my memory bank one Easter Vigil.

My mother was helping set up for the Easter Vigil services and we lacked a receptacle for the Blessing of the Water that evening. A day or two before, my mother finally saved up her pennies and had happily purchased this bowl,  a dream of hers to own. It was shiny, unscratched, and never used when she offered the loan of it for the Easter Vigil Service. I didn't know until that evening at church that her now-favorite mixing bowl was playing an important role in the Resurrection!

As usual, the Easter Service began in a dark church. The Easter candle was lit, people shared the new flame, and the church was illuminated for the Blessing of the Water. It was beautiful and I had to smile when my mother leaned over and whispered, "Do you see the beautiful container for the Easter Water?" I nodded and replied, "It's your new mixing bowl, isn't it?" My mother asked, "When did you realize that?" I grinned, "When I saw the price tag sticker on it!"

For some reason, it didn't take away from the service and I doubt anyone but us noticed the tiny white sticker. I've used that bowl a lot in the last ten years since my mother passed away. It is always there for me and makes me smile. These days, however, it is just a well-used bowl with scratches and dents from much use. There was a time it played a more dignified role and looked golden in the reflection of the flame of the Easter Candle.
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