Friday, July 12, 2013

Something to think about . . .

We used to have a wonderful, practical, spiritual pastor who often reminded us that we have to protect and love our children. He said that a woman who abuses a child can never be considered a mother in the true sense of the word.

Today, I open up my e-mail and there are women protesting the 20-week limitation on abortions in Texas. They claim we have to preserve 'women's health' yet even as they sport their bright pink signs, women are dying from botched abortions and this is happening more in the post Roe v. Wade days since abortion at most any point in the pregnancy is allowable somewhere. Often, you hear about doctors who stretch the truth and go past allowable dates in order to 'preserve' a woman's right.

Abortion is a selfish solution to a problem most woman bring on themselves. Women's 'freedom' has evolved into sexual freedom and the results of sexual freedom can result in a pregnancy. People today want what they want when they want it so the decision to abort the 'problem' is easy . . . and selfish. They do not take into consideration the life they are erasing in order to pursue their life of immoral abandon.

Naturally, many men buy into this because they are having short-term relationships with all the benefits and often none of the responsibility. In order to stop the teen pregnancies, we give them contraception rather than education and a moral upbringing.

It is a sad world where a young girl who prefers to remain chaste until marriage is laughed at and ridiculed because she isn't like everyone else and 'enjoying' the freedoms of today. If they start having abortions when they are in their teens, what does that do to their attitude as they grow older? How will they  feel about motherhood when they so easily destroyed babies in the past?

Like our beloved pastor said, to be a mother, you have to act like a mother and a mother doesn't ever hurt her children in anger, fear, or selfishness.

The complexity of the situation for the liberal faction is interesting. A friend has a colleague who is adamantly in favor of abortion at any time as he supports a woman's right to choose. His wife is currently pregnant yet he resents my friend  referring to the expected baby as a fetus. Kind of heartbreaking and amusing at the same time as the colleague knows his wife is expecting a baby but any woman who doesn't want to expect a baby is only carrying a fetus. Where has the moral fiber of the country gone when the status of a baby depends on if anyone wants him/her or not?

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