Tuesday, July 30, 2013

So, is God sending a busy signal?

From the stupidities that continually come out of Washington, I can only assume the powers that be here on earth seem to think God is too busy to continue His care of the US and the world. When obamacare was first put forth, many feared and said that a health care system that featured a 'death panel' wasn't in line with the freedoms we, as citizens, should enjoy. A system that makes the life/death decision for a stranger based on the system's view of the situation in regards to cost, age, viability, etc., is an Act of God that has been usurped by mere men. I'm sure our elected officials have very good reasons for this as they seem to live in an environment not shared by us common folk.

Since the inception of the obamacare mandate, there have been rumors and downright accusations about there being a death panel involved in the socialized medical law to which Washington constantly denied. Guess evil and the truth eventually find their way into the open, however.


What is interesting to contemplate is that the writers of this distasteful medical insurance disaster don't seem to think past the end of their noses.  What if they are the ones being judged worthy to live or die based on a medical condition? If they aren't worried then they are getting specialized treatment so if obamacare is good enough as a whole for the masses, why won't it apply to the self-appointed elite?

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