Thursday, June 6, 2013

Life Adjustments . . .

Although everyone has to take a driving test in order to get a permit to operate a car, it seems that many forget all they learned the minute they legally get behind the wheel of their own car. It used to be that when a traffic light turned green, I would immediate proceed across the intersection. After many near misses, I have learned that the traffic that previously has the green light are not about to forfeit their right to keep going through the intersection . . . even if they are doing so on the red. These days, I observe the light has turned green, look both ways to see what the other drivers are contemplating, and only then move into the intersection. I don't want to get hit and getting hit even when you are going on the green light, is a daily possibility.

Today, I was coming down our residential street which sports a double-yellow line indicating that there is no passing on the street and it can only be crossed if turning into a driveway. The speed limit is supposed to be 35 mph because there are children and joggers in the area. I had come to my home and had my directional signal going to indicate that I was turning into the driveway. Just as I was half way turned towards my driveway, a car tears past me on the left side just missing hitting me directly on the driver's side. A speeding car and a illegal passing maneuver and near accident which would have resulted in serious injury. The car practically drove up on the curb - not to actually avoid hitting me so much as to not have to reduce his speed in going on his way. No respect for human life and total disregard of basic driving rules.

These problems are encountered often and I have learned to be extra careful. This morning, I was making a left-hand turn on the green arrow and a woman comes zooming in front of me. Her green light had long turned red but she kept driving anyway. Since she passed so closely in front of me, it was plain to see that she was chatting away on her cell phone (against the law in California while driving) and seemingly oblivious to her infractions of the law. I also noticed she was dressed for work as a nurse. This cause me some reflection. I had to wonder if she observed all the safeguards and rules required for good nursing and medical practice. It might sound like a silly thought but if she doesn't care about rules of the road that are n place for a reason, it is scary to think that she might also take shortcuts, etc. in her treatment of patients.

Discipline and obedience are not usually in play on only parts of our life. A person who cares about their job, their family, their children, should also care about every aspect of their being in this world. Yes, this was kind of an offbeat way for me to make this observation.  I know that for myself, that if I let one aspect go undone or ignored, the laziness and disrespect eventually creeps into other situations or obligations. Given the self-centered world we life in, today, I think my thoughts just might have a lot of veracity.

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