Thursday, June 13, 2013

Donut Frenzy at Our House!

 I recently acquired one of those mini-donut baking machine gadgets. Initially, I thought them a frivolous idea but once I tried it, I was hooked. It baked up six mini-donuts every three to four minutes. It actually helps to avoid binging on warm donuts because the first few bites of most anything are enough to cure the munchies . . . and, mini-donuts are just that amount. Have to admit, however, I did feel I had to try one of each kind I made.

Oh, and if homemade donuts weren't enough, these were gluten-free donuts!

Here are a few links to cookbooks I like for cooking/baking gluten-free along with one for that handy donut baking gadget. This cookbook has the donut recipe in it both plain and chocolate. Check on Amazon as you can get all three of these cookbooks for around $35.

My secret for the cinnamon donuts? While they are still warm, I brush/dip them in melted butter and then roll them in a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, and a minute dash of cayenne.
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