Thursday, May 16, 2013

Saint Dominic Savio . . . the soul of a young saint.

Saint Dominic Savio (1842-1857) was a young man under the spiritual care of another great saint,  Saint John Bosco. Saint Dominic Savio pursued his studies for the priesthood early in life until he became ill and died at the age of fourteen. I find it amazing that such a young man would determine his path in life so devoutly and persistently.
At the age of only twelve, Saint Dominic Savio decided on four rules of life which he vowed to live by in order to eventually attain sainthood.  Everyone that reaches Heaven, is a saint. Some saints, however, make an impression on the world that is known long after their death. Saint Dominic Savio's four rules worked for his spirituality and are wonderful in the simplicity that is available to everyone.

1. I will go to Confession and to Communion often.

2. I will keep holy the feasts days.

3. Jesus will be my best friend.

4. And I would rather die than to commit a sin.

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