Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To Report or Not to Report, the Liberal Press is in Charge . . .

Unless you are up to date on what it happening in the pro-life world, many might not be aware of a major trial going on right now in the United States regarding abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell. In the United States it is legal to abort the unborn babies and in specific cases to employ the partial birth abortion procedure. In Dr. Gosnell's case, he went  above and beyond the 'call of duty' and delivered full-term, living babies and then stabbed them in the back of the neck and killed them. You would think this would be front page news and be on the world news circuit given the horrendous nature of the crime against human life. So why isn't it?

There are many trains of thoughts on why. My personal thought on the matter is that once you expose the actual brutality that is a part of the abortion mind set, you might jeopardize the legality of it. The news probably takes the excuse that it is too gruesome and gory to report, yet they will go into avid detail about 'real' murders and mayhem to sell a paper. What Dr. Gosnell has inadvertently done is expose the absolute horror of killing the unborn by allowing a baby to be born and then killing it. It blurs the line of 'difference' between what the pro choice people consider a baby and not a baby. It might start more people thinking if they realize the seconds between being a partially delivered baby having it brains sucked out and a full-term baby delivered and having it's spinal cord snapped.

But, is there a difference? No and that is why the media would rather not go that route and cause confusion in the legality of murdering our future.

I read an article about a woman doctor who was pregnant with her first child. She talked about aborting a baby that was just about the same age as the baby she was carrying. She said she was fascinated to see the fetus she was killing and observing first hand where her baby was in the gestation process. Even as she cut apart a living child, she was thinking ahead to when she would wrap her baby in a soft blanket and hold him or her to her heart. Her 'heart', however, seemingly had no compassion for the murder taking place at her hands.

Yes, if the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell was reported as it should, minds might be changed and the convenience of picking and choosing what 'fetus' you want to keep and turn into a baby would be gone. When you make atrocities like abortion legal, you open the door to people who harden their hearts to the awful nature of the procedure and, possibly, the medical respect that should be allowed to every human being no matter how small.

The reason the media isn't covering this news is fear that the unknown might become known and then they would have to report the real truth.

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