Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Haunted bobbin box . . .

 Since I started my new hobby of machine embroidery, I've needed quite a few more thread colors to make the designs and, of course, corresponding bobbins for the sewing machine. My husband got  the handy bobbin boxes in hopes of me keeping them untangled. It has worked . . . sort of!

Today, I had some free time so got out my sewing machine and threads to spend the afternoon creating. I set the two bobbin boxes on the kitchen table and walked the two or three steps to the sewing table. I sat down and stretched my foot out to press the pedal to get the sewing machine going. Behind me, one of the bobbins rattled loudly in the box . . . all by itself. Startled, I soon figured out that one of them might have been set in it's slot at an angle and just fell into place.

I continued sewing then got up to get another bobbin. Again, I sat down to sew and one of the bobbins popped up and rattled as soon as I started using the pedal on the machine. Earthquake? That only affected one bobbin? I shrugged and continued my work.

I finished the task at hand and had to go into the entry way where my spools of thread are stored. The moment I got past the sewing machine, the same pesky bobbin jumped up into the air, rolled off the table and rattled off into a corner . . . seemingly, by itself! Since it was broad daylight without dark shadows lurking, I went after the bobbin and picked it up. It had unrolled itself of a length of it's thread so I started rewinding it as I walked back to the kitchen table. I kept winding and winding as a huge amount of thread has escaped the captivity of the bobbin. Suddenly, I felt a pull on my shoe. I looked down and saw that the end of the thread was caught in my shoe lace. The answer to the 'spirited' bobbin! Every time I walked around the kitchen, it would pull the thread and jiggle the bobbin but when I walked further afield, it yanked it right out of the tray. Whew! Glad to discover the bobbin had no other abilities than being a handy, plastic item to hold my sewing machine thread!
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