Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Year of the Snake . . .

I heard it was the Year of the Snake and it did not have anything to do with our politicians currently in power! Since my son lives overseas, we tend to think more along the lines of anything Asian. I put my embroidery machine to work but only had a pattern for a Chinese dragon - a snake with legs, perhaps?

My son is all-American but currently became a co-host on a couple of radio programs in Taiwan. It was fun to find his first hosting performance on-line and listening to how he did. From a mother's point of view, he was perfect. Although he is fluent in Chinese, the station deals with an international audience and it is in English. It was amazing to hear the call-in audience and learning they were from all over the world including several state in the US. You never know where the baby they put into your arms ends up in the world!
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