Friday, March 22, 2013

Experiments . . .

 While I was doing other chores, I set the sewing machine to trying some new designs today. The pink heart is very small but took 38 minutes because of all the overlay work on it. The bookmarks are going to my daughter and her friends who reside with six in-house felines. I really should be finishing up quilts but the lure of new design patterns tempted me from the straight and narrow today.

I have also discovered that patience is an ongoing virtue when you want to add embroidery patterns to your computer but don't want to go into debt doing so. I browse through the patterns on three sites and put the ones I really would like into the 'wish-list' section. Then I wait . . . Eventually, all sites have some kind of sale and the one today offered patterns for a dollar apiece if you purchased ten. Since most of them usually run six dollars and up, that was quite a savings.

I'm still amazed about sewing these designs onto 'plastic' and then removing the 'plastic' and having only the thread work left.
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