Monday, March 18, 2013

Being Kind to the Welfare Recipients . . .

I always thought it might cause problems to just give money to people in need without some monitoring of whether they used it for the purpose intended - to help them through a rough patch in life. Since the onset of cash cards for welfare recipient use, guess what?? Are you surprised that it has fostered a lot of abuse? Interesting video clip revealing just how much of the money given to 'needy' people is not being used for real needs.

Granted, government help is useful to people who are Earnest in  trying to get back on their feet but just handing dollars to people without any feedback or monitoring of how it is spent, is asking for disaster. After listening to this video, I have to wonder 1.) Did these people really require welfare assistance and 2.) If it was spent on vacations and gambling, did they have to apply for more to actually get through the mundane expenses of life like food, rent, etc.?

This addresses only California. Think of what goes on in other states like
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. This is insanity!

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