Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Such a Simple Solution . . .

I was listening to the radio this morning and was amused by the talk show hosts' conversation. They were bemoaning the fact that people pay more attention to race than experience when voting in politicians. One said that everyone is so anxious to have the first Jewish president or whatever, the first Hispanic one, and so forth. At that point, one of the radio hosts piped in with, "Perhaps, we should vote for the first competent one!"

Seems so simple yet it is not so much who gains a public office but the mind set of the voters that put him/her into that office. We have a lot of information compromised voters.

Today, another radio show was taking callers to say why they thought Hillary Clinton was or was not a great Secretary of State. One woman called and said, "Hillary Clinton is a wonderful Secretary of State and just think, she is the first female Secretary of State . . . Seems a few American History lessons are called for here!

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