Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Roe v. Wade - 40 years later . . .

Today marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade when whole sale killing of the unborn was made legal. A week ago, a letter from the bishop was read from every parish pulpit. It dealt with the tragedy at the grade school with 20 children were brutally murdered. Where was the same indignation over the ongoing abortion issues? The letter had 'gun control' approval written between the lines. Where was the same desire to control the abortionist's tools of the trade?

What have we gotten from 40 years of legal abortion? We have  over 55 million dead preborn babies thrown away along with what they could have brought into this world. We have an average of an abortion every 94 seconds so by the time I write and proof this posting, two more babies will die a horrible death in the name of convenience.

I was talking to a 'catholic' obama supporter after Mass and his claim for the survival of the world was to do something about the water supply. He felt that if we slowed down the population, took care of the water problems, and then repopulated, the world would be a better place. I asked HOW he figured to take care of the population question. Abortion? Mandatory contraception? He smiled in the usual liberal complacent manner and said, "Education." With thinking like this among the Catholics . . . With the Catholic vote putting an adamantly pro-abort president in office . . . We can probably look forward to another 40 years of mutilated babies and unrealized potential being thrown away.

A friend said that we should include in our prayers a petition that the president and all anti-life people be given the gift of hearing the cries of the unborn they are allowing to die. You don't have to see the blood on your hands to know it is there.

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