Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gun control - Yes or No?

As many of us know, the hot topic on the political agenda these days is gun control. The powers that be are sure that once we take away as many guns as possible, peace will reign and everything will be safe and good. They don't take into account that we are still children of Adam and Eve and that sin and evil still abounds in the world. Gun control merely unarms the good citizens and arms the ones with murderous intent.

All through school, we were taught history and many a teacher (I went to school in the stone ages when there was a lot of value in the educational system!) said that the world would be a better place if everyone learned history so we didn't repeat the mistakes of past history. That seems to apply in our current push for gun control. Not one of the politicians is citing any 'history' or research to support gun control. The average citizen, however, as well as many more learned and intelligent can tell you that historically gun control has not worked. This article about the UK really shows this to be true because they are living gun control and it hasn't worked.

A friend lives in Australia who now has strict gun control and says there have been three drive-by shootings in his area in the last month. Normal people don't do that so, obviously, gun control hasn't reached the ones with evil intent. This leaves the average citizen unarmed. This allows the murder rate to rise.

Perhaps, our know-it-all politicians with agendas to process should look for root concerns before banning what they determine to be the obvious concern. 

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