Friday, November 9, 2012

The aftermath is worse . . .

I'm confused . . .

The final tallies are in and fifty percent of the Catholic vote went to the incumbent president and secured his re-election.

At the democratic convention, they named same-sex marriage and abortion as major platforms of their election strategy. Last I heard, both these are against Catholic teachings. I always thought that to be in the Church, you had to be of the Church.

Right now there are over 30 lawsuits filed against the administration over the illegal mandate against the Catholic Church in regards to making Catholic institutions provide birth control and such in their insurance policies. Did these voters know this and vote anyway?

If anyone bothered to run the numbers on obamacare, they would see that it eventually won't cover costs, will raise premiums, and . . . provide abortion and contraceptives. Did these voters research their vote and still find this okay with them?

Back in 2009, the same week he was inaugurated, the then-new president rescinded all the safeguards for the unborn that President Bush was able to put into place during his presidency. Did this matter to that fifty percent of the Catholic vote?

In his short time as a senator, the president not only voted to overturn the Born Alive Act but headed committees determined to change this law and afford more infant deaths. The Born Alive Act in Illinois was a law that said that an abortion that was 'botched' in that the infant was born alive, meant that efforts had to be taken to medically treat him/her to keep them alive. The president's view, at that time, was that even if born alive, an 'abortion' had to be completed. Another doctor would come in to kill the baby.

Although many bishops and priests were outspoken on these matter, there was still the silent majority who offered little to no guidance in the matter. The oft used excuse was the separation of church and state law and the 'sacred' tax exemption.  A little research would show that this means the government can't tell the church how to run their religion, it doesn't mean the religion can't defend it's views from the pulpit. At no time in history has a church lost it's tax exempt status. I have to wonder, however, why this would deter a real faith community if it meant saving babies.

The Catholics who voted us in another four years of government control, abortion and who knows what other atrocities may have their 'factual' good reasons for doing so. I've heard quite a bit of them but there are still Ten rules that trump them and for the sake of their souls, I hope they figure it out.

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