Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pray and keep hope . . .

As often happens on election days, rumors fly and people find themselves getting dismayed when it seems their choice is not doing well in the polls. Some good advice, no matter which way you are voting, is to ignore the observations and just vote. It is a voter outcome election and if you vote, you have honored your privilege in this country and done your duty. A ploy is often to 'leak' information that the election is a done deal in hopes that opposition vote stays home figuring it won't matter now. Every vote counts and every person should exercise their right to vote. I never listen to the voting day gossip/news/exit polls, etc. until after I have voted. I'm not going to let anyone deprive me of my vote with unfounded words. So . . . Any US Citizen who can vote and hasn't been to the polls yet today - GO! No matter the outcome as long as you exercised your right to vote for your candidates. Don't let yourself down and don't let your candidates down.

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