Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finding out the real deal from Mychal Massie

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and blacks drunk with the delight of Obama being reelected, I believe my syndicated article from November 29, 2005 was apropos for this week’s “From My Vault.” Mychal Massie
Mention that between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks were lynched in the United States and the loud sucking noise you hear would be Jesse Jackson, Kweise Mfume, Barack Obama, D-Ill., and the Congressional Black Caucus taking a collective deep breath in preparation for their long-winded diatribe against America, in general, and conservatives, specifically.
The black victim class loves to display themselves dressed in vestiges of sorrow with lamentations of bitterness and resentment while cursing America. You will not however, hear nor see these same immiseration profiteers say one word about the 1,452 black unborn children who are murdered daily by abortionists.

They bemoan slavery, curse conservatives, blame the president, insist upon reparations and claim that tax cuts help only rich white Americans to the detriment of blacks; but as Rev. Clenard Childress Jr., director of the Life Education and Research Network points out: “With one-third of all abortions performed on black women, the abortion industry has received over $4 billion [as a gift] from the black community.” To which I add, self-extermination being only the quid pro quo.
The CBC, accepting the challenge of how to give new meaning to the liliripes of the jester’s hat they insist on wearing, blamed the president for Hurricane Katrina. Louis Farrakhan seeking to trump them charged the levees had been blown up to kill blacks.

However, they are noticeable only in their silence per even the most heinous acts of abortion savagery. lists the following from late civil-rights leader Erma Clardy Craven: “Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black.” Does anyone recall Farrakhan and the CBC in front of the cameras attacking the abortion industry? Of course not.
The issue of abortion provides the clearest, most unambiguous statement of who the true house slaves are. Does anyone question the outcome if groups like CBC and NAACP condemned abortion and what it is doing to Americans? Would liberals make them pay the price that black conservatives pay?
Bill Bennett was excoriated for what was, at worst, a poor analogy, but there was a deafening silence when NARAL said “Legal abortion will result in a reduction in welfare roles.” (Loose-leaf booklet titled “Organizing for Action.” Prepared by Vicki Z. Kaplan for the National Abortion Rights Action League, 250 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 – 51 pages, no date. See especially the chapter written by Emily C. Moore, Ph.D., titled “The Major Issues and the Argumentation in the Abortion Debate,” pages 33 to 43.)

Between weeks 20 and 30, an unborn child has more pain receptors per square inch than at any other time, before or after birth, with only a very thin layer of skin for protection. Mechanisms that inhibit or moderate the experience of pain do not begin to develop until weeks 30-32. Any pain the unborn child experiences before these mechanisms form is likely worse than the pain an older child or adult experiences (Expert report of Dr. Kanwaljeet S. Anand, Northern District of the U.S. District Court in California, Jan. 15, 2004. Dr. Anand is a board-certified pediatrician who specializes in the care of critically ill newborns and children, and has conducted over 20 years of intensive research and study on the development of pain and stress in human newborn infants and fetuses).

Planned Parenthood, perhaps the most prolific abortion-genocide machine, would have the public believe that impaling a woman with what amounts to a shop vac that rips apart a tiny unborn child is painless. They want the public to believe that having an unborn baby burned to death from salt solution is painless. Tell that to the woman experiencing cramps as her unborn child kicks and rolls violently as it is slowly burned to death in the solution.

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Barack Obama, D-Ill., and liberal courts would have us believe there are justifiable circumstances to rip apart an unborn, full-term child part way outside its mother’s womb and then have what amounts to a small pick axe driven through the back of his skull killing him.

These groups – and either knowingly or unknowingly those who support abortion – seem to view women and children as less than animals. But even the Humane Society has filed suit arguing that methods used for slaughtering poultry are cruel. (Humane Society Sues Over Poultry Slaughter; Libby Quaid, Associated Press food and farm writer, Nov. 21, 2005)

The bottom line is abortion is murder – it isn’t nice, harmless or painless. While the murdered unborn can’t speak, the living survivors of perforated uteruses or punctured insides can attest to the pain.
An unborn baby is only a fetus to an abortionist. I have never heard a pregnant woman say, “My fetus just kicked me” or “Look honey, the fetus is moving.” In those instances it’s a baby. It is non-human to its killer.

I find it interesting how closely that mentality mirrors that of others in history who were predisposed to destroying those they deemed unfit in their role as the supreme.

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